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North America’s Largest Drone Service Provider

Please Read This Disclaimer Before Applying

This is an Opportunity, Not a Job

We align our clients with the best-matched pilot for the application, so our pilot vetting process is critical to recruit only the most experienced, ethical, and detail-oriented candidates. As a leading turn-key drone services provider, we look for professional pilots that are focused on their business, and also have a collaborative team spirit.

Being a drone pilot is an exciting new field! It’s attracting everyone from hobbyists, to independent contractors, to full-time drone businesses. We have no way of predicting when and where we’ll need a pilot, and if your qualifications, experience, and equipment are a good fit for what’s needed for any particular job.

If You Need A Steady Full-Time Income, You’ll Need To Consider Other Options.
There Are No Guarantees For Any Pilot.

If you need a steady full-time or part-time income, you’ll need to consider other options. There are no guarantees for any pilot.

The best pilots diversify their lead sources, ranging from directly marketing in their area, to aligning themselves with top-tier professional drone networks, such as Volatus Aerospace. They also realize that while our industry is growing rapidly, it’s still a community. Reputation matters, and the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively will take you far.

After You Complete the Application


Your completed application is reviewed by our Operations team. We conduct our due diligence, then it goes to the Director of Field Ops for final review and approval.

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Once you are approved, you’ll receive an email with the Volatus Pilot Agreement. Please read it carefully and sign it in the appropriate locations.​

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After submitting your signed agreement, you’ll get another email so you can set up direct deposit for receiving payments faster.

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You will be required to watch a short video, sign up to Volatus FlySafe Network, and complete & pass an online course+exam.



Several things must happen for a pilot to receive work:

  • We must have a mission in your geographical footprint
  • The mission requirements need to match your skill set
  • Your drone equipment needs to match the mission requirements (i.e., camera, sensors, software, etc.)

Although you may not hear from us immediately, please be patient and continue to pursue your own regional marketing efforts to keep busy and keep your skills active. When there is an opportunity that you qualify for, we look forward to getting you booked ASAP.

Canadian Drone Pilot Application



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